Archive for Bangladesh

Bonbibi Puja- Guardian deity of the forests

Posted in Bonbibi Puja- Guardian deity of the forests with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 13, 2012 by Shaikh Mohir Uddin

To fight and overcome the natural hazards common in this region, psychologically rural people are very dependent on the strength of religious beliefs and supernatural powers. Hindus and Muslims worship the same deities in spite of belonging to different religions. The practice of worshipping trees, snakes, tigers and other animals is common. The Goddess of the forest is ‘Bonbibi’ who is worshipped in almost every village. Bonbibi is probably synonymous with the Hindu Goddess ‘Bonodevi’; the former became more acceptable with the advent of Muslim rule in lowerBengal.

Bonbibi the lady of the forest, also Bondevi, Bondurga and Byaghra devi is a guardian deity of the forests worshipped by both the Hindu and the Muslim residents of the Sundarbans (spread across West Bengal state in eastern India and Bangladesh). She is worshipped mostly by the fisher, honey-collectors and the woodcutters before entering the forest for protection against the attacks from the tigers. It is believed that the demon king, Dakkhin Rai (the lord of the south), an arch-enemy of Banbibi actually appears in the disguise of a tiger and attacks human beings.

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Endangered Royal Bengal Tiger Killed!

Posted in Endangered Royal Bengal Tiger Killed! with tags , , , , , , , , on January 11, 2012 by Shaikh Mohir Uddin

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A Royal Bengal Tiger was killed by the villagers of Khalishabunia (inside the Sundarbans) at Shyamnagar Upazilla in Satkhira district as it injured three people. Crossing the River Kholpetua, the tiger entered the village at about6 a.m.& later injured three villagers.Satkhira,Bangladesh.July 04 2009

Each year on an average three tigers die inside the Sundarbans. Also tigers are losing their habitat on an alarming rate. According to specialists, officers of the Forest department & local people, tigers are becoming extinct due to some eight factors as tiger’s liver malfunction caused by too high salt level, cyclones, tidal surge, flood, lack of food, lack of protection, lack of proper care for older & ailing tigers, killing of infant tigers by bigger male ones, entrapment or poisoning by unscrupulous people & also beating by nearby locale when tigers trespass into the villages due to deteriorating habitat.

The Havoc of Salinity

Posted in The Havoc of Salinity with tags , , , , , , , on January 11, 2012 by Shaikh Mohir Uddin

Khulna region of southern part of Bangladesh, where there are terrible water issues. The southern part of Bangladeshis the worst sufferer due to salinity of water. In ‘Koyra’ area beside the Sundarbans inKhulna district there is ‘water every where but not a drop to drink’.

Frequent natural disasters, irregular rainfall and a persistent increase in the salinity of the water is occurring in the area due to climate change and unplanned shrimp farming. Conventional work structures, social & educational systems have mostly broken down. Many people have to travel huge distances to find fresh water, fish and other necessities, all of which used to be available closer to their dwelling place.

Taken at Koyra,Khulna,Bangladesh  2010.

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Bullock Cart Race

Posted in Bullock Cart Race with tags , , , , , , , on January 11, 2012 by Shaikh Mohir Uddin

Bullock cart race or “Gorur Gari Dabor” is a common scene of the rural areas of Jessore during winter. The race begins after harvesting of Amman Paddy when vast area of crop fields becomes open. The sporting event is celebrated with lots of gaiety and festivity. There are two men on each of the carts. Four or five carts take part in an event. The length of the racing ground is about 300 meters. On this occasion, village fairs take place near the racing ground. This type of traditional sporting event has been taking place in this region for a long time.Jessore,Bangladesh,2008

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